Making a difference, one moment at a time...

Saturday, September 27, 2014

How to Overcome Fear and Reach Your Goals

It seems that everyone in our home is experiencing new opportunities to be S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D this summer and fall!  New summer jobs, new schools, greater responsibilities with extracurricular school activities, preparation for college undergraduate admission in 2015, and possibly starting a master's level much excitement, yet a lot of responsibilities. During this time of being stretched, God is giving us deeper insight, strength, encouragement and even vision for the future!

Jon Thomas, our oldest, had his senior pictures taken in late August.  It's awesome to watch God direct his decisions and plans for the future.
New seasons can be accompanied by great we enter the unfamiliar with unanswered questions, there is a sense of uncertainty and fear. Often, as we step out into the unknown, God shows us HIS direction and purposes.  If we only strive to achieve goals where the end result is certain and easy to attain, our growth will cease or progress slower than God intends. When we put faith in our own ability or in what we can see, this limits what we allow God to do in and through us.

This fall Jordan (#4) has had several opportunities to compete on the varsity level with his high school teammates. This has required a greater time commitment and hard work, but he is reaping the rewards!

Listen the definitions of anxiety/worry: "A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome; to allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles."  A few synonyms I found were "concern, fear, agitation, tension, overthink and panic"...WOW! As I researched, the words "uncertain outcome," "to allow one's mind to dwell," "to overthink" and "panic" are words that jumped off the page! There's an element of anxiety that boils down to our choice. The mind can be a powerful weapon, or it can be a dangerous battlefield. 
II Corinthians 10:5b states, "We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." We can't control the thoughts that creep into our minds, but we can determine whether we dwell on these thoughts. It takes effort and self discipline to move past anxiety in our thought-life, but it CAN be done!

As I reflect on times when I become the most anxious, I realize this occurs when I have the least control over my circumstances.  Finances (how will we be able to pay for college expenses?), my children's future (will they make good choices? how will they be treated?), others' perception of me (did she understand what I meant when I said...?) can go on and on if I allow the fear of the unknown to debilitate me. How can we get past our own imaginations and not allow our minds to dwell on things that can go wrong?

These cuties have graduated into new schools this year. Jared began his first year of Jr High, and Karleigh is in the upper elementary school in our community.

I believe we have to retrain our thinking--choose to shift our thoughts to the amazing possibilities, instead of our imminent doom!  Let's look at the definition of hope: "a feeling of expectation or desire for a certain thing to happen; a feeling of trust." Do you expect God to do great things in your life, or do you allow your mind to dwell on the worst possible scenerio? If you gravitate to fear, worry or doubt, start asking God to help you change your mindset. Begin by "catching yourself" at the beginning of a panic attack or negative spiral, and ask God to redirect your thinking.  Make a choice to partner with Him by intentionally thinking of all God has done for you in the past. Begin making a list of times when He has done more that you could have imagined in a situation. Write scriptures that talk about God's power, his desire to bless and give you his BEST, the promises given to us (YOU) in scripture, and intentionally refer to them when you begin to question your future or His power to change your circumstances.

Here are 4 scriptures to refer to in moments of uncertainty or overwhelming anxiety....

"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." Isaiah 41:10

"Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible." Matthew 19:26

"For no word from God will ever fail." Luke 1:37

"God can do anything, you know-far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!" Ephesians 3:20

"O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and the earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!" Jeremiah 32:17

What amazing words of HOPE! Live life expecting God to come through and perform the EXTRAordinary! Romans 12:2 tells us not to imitate the behavior and customs of the world. It continues with the instruction to allow God to transform you into a new person...HOW? By letting him change the way you think. Change IS possible!!  You don't have to stay stuck in a negative or anxious mindset. God desires to help you!! All you have to do is ask.  Do you believe He wants the best for your life? Freedom from fear and worry is his best!
This summer Jon and I have begun pushing ourselves to run farther distances. It's been so rewarding to reach our goals, especially on those days when we have to be mentally tough and just put one foot in front of the other. With God's help, we all can do more than we could ever think possible! 
Do you have experiences in your journey when God did more than you could imagine? Please share...your testimonies will be a huge encouragement to us!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Goal-Setting For Your Family, How to Lead and Love Intentionally

The first day of summer freedom has arrived!! The official countdown for summer vacation usually begins in our home the day spring break ends. Our family always waits with great anticipation for this time of year! We look forward to time with friends at the lake, outings to our local theme parks, the fun activities and spiritual growth at church camp, vacation getaways, dinners on the deck, visits to the swimming pool, catching up on projects that get put aside during the hustle and bustle of the school year, and the various opportunities we have to connect with family and friends. What great things are you anticipating this summer?

Our boys tubing with their buddies at Table Rock Lake (May 2014)
Karleigh cooling off with some friends at a Cardinals game. (May 2014)
As Jon and I approach the summer months, we process and pray over goals that we have for our family. With the extra time that summer provides, there is great opportunity for growth in three specific areas...spiritual, physical and relational. Through the years I've seen the value of living intentionally: some things only get accomplished when we are intentional in our prayers, words and actions. Here are a few things Jon and I consider as we develop our goals...

1) What areas do we sense need some extra attention? Have we had to rush through our devotional time due to the busyness of our schedules? Do we feel disconnected or distant from anyone in our home?
2) What are some practical things that need to be done around the house? How can we use our time (and our kids' time) to catch up on things that will lessen the distractions/stress as we move into the summer and fall?
3) How can we serve as a family this summer? Are there opportunities at our church or in the community where we can help meet a need?
4) What are some natural gifts and talents that we've seen in our children? How can we put the kids in position to develop what God has given them...what gifts/talents do Jon and I need to develop?
5) Does everyone in our home have at least one close friendship that will help sharpen them in their walk with the Lord and strengthen them in their everyday life?

When I look at the calendar and consider the opportunities set before me, my desire is to get the most out of every moment I've been given. Summertime is FULL of play, to travel, to listen, to discuss, to invest in others. My prayer is that everyday I would see clearly the opportunities that God places at my fingertips, and wisely invest in the people God sets in my path.

"Jesus went from village to village, teaching the people. And he called his disciples together and began sending them out two by two, giving them authority over evil spirits." (Mark 6:6-7 NLT)

The concordance in my NIV Bible states,"The disciples were sent out in pairs. Individually they could have reached more areas of the country, but this was not God's plan. One advantage in going out by twos was that they could strengthen and encourage each other, especially when they faced rejection. Our strength comes from God, but he meets many of our needs through our teamwork with others."

As you serve Christ in your home, in your community, and in your churches, don't attempt to do it on your own. Ask for God's wisdom and direction as you look for opportunities to grow. Be intentional!! Invest in your relationships~whether it's with your spouse, your children, your neighbors or your best friends. I'm praying that God will give you his vision and perspective as you venture out into this glorious season...SUMMER!!
Time at the park with some of our BFFs (June 2014)

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Taking Inventory--Cultivating a Healthy Home

Parenting is the greatest adventure I've ever known! It has changed me and challenged me in so many ways. I used to think that if I had a schedule/plan and did my very best, all the details would add up to this picture perfect life. I would ask the Lord for help and guidance, but I'd stress out like it was all up to me. It's one thing to ask the Lord for guidance and do everything in our power to live out his plan. It's entirely different when we ask the Lord for guidance and then navigate our obstacles, stressed out and worried, thinking it's all up to us.

Jon Thomas (17), Karleigh (9), Jared (13),  Jordan (16)
God has blessed us with four beautiful children. They constantly amaze me! In those precious moments when they share their hearts with me, I see wisdom, strength, and discernment beyond their years. If I've learned anything through my parenting journey, it's that I am human and I will NEVER be perfect; nor will I be able to meet every mental, spiritual, or emotional need of my children. Jon and I do everything in our power to encourage, empower and counsel our kids, but only God can meet all their needs. Therefore He deserves all the glory as our children develop into Godly men and women.

I am continually brought to my knees with prayer requests for my kids...requests for direction, protection, provision, friendships, etc. One thing I wish I'd known in my younger years was the power of prayer.  As I stated earlier, I had a tendency to lean on my knowledge and strength as I cared for my kids' physical and emotional needs. This seemed to work well in their early years, but looking back I realize how much more fun I could've had--the freedom and joy I would've experienced if I had trusted the Lord more and worried less. As I've grown and matured in my faith and as a parent, I've learned to pray fervently when there are concerns or red flags. In her book "The Power of a Praying Parent," Stormie Omartian states, "I learned to identify every concern, worry, fear, or possible scenario that came into my mind as a prompting by the Holy Spirit to pray for that particular thing." Jon and I have seen God answer desperate prayers when we call out for help. The Lord healed a significant heart murmur found at our daughter's two-week check up. God has placed great friends in our kids lives and has "weeded out" friends that were not good influences. We've experienced unity as a family at times when Jon and I have had to make significant decisions that would affect everyone in our home.

This is a printable on that specifies ways to pray for your family, including scriptures to pray for each topic.
Every morning before breakfast, I pray that the Lord would guard my children's hearts and minds during that particular day. Proverbs 4:23-27 is a wonderful passage of scripture to teach and discuss with your kids. In this passage, God emphasizes the importance of guarding our hearts. The heart guides our decision making. He states that whatever enters our eyes, ears and thoughts determines the condition of our hearts and ultimately the direction of our lives. Our kids need to hear this! When my oldest child was in the first grade, a friend of mine mentioned how she had her kids physically put on the armor of God before leaving their home each day. I loved this idea and immediately integrated it into our morning schedule. The children say each verse and pretend to put on each piece of armor while quoting the scriptures (Ephesians 6:14-17). They are memorizing the scripture while getting a visual picture of how God protects each part of our physical body.

When a child becomes a teenager, there is a beautiful relationship that emerges between a parent and a child, but there are also other voices that begin competing for the child's loyalty. I want to be their biggest cheerleader and their closest confidante, as I guide them toward the One who is with them at ALL times. Great parenting takes dedication and determination! An NIV commentary on Proverbs 4:5-7 explains--"If you want wisdom, you must decide to go after it. It takes resolve--a determination not to abandon the search once you begin, no matter how difficult the road may become. This is not a once-in-a-lifetime step, but a daily process of choosing between two paths--the wicked (4:14-17, 19) and the righteous (4:18). Nothing else is more important or valuable." Be consistent with your kids. Make clear boundaries and explain why you have set them. Consistency and communication go hand-in-hand. Talk to your children!! Let them know that you aren't perfect, and that you don't expect perfection from them. I want my kids to know even though I fail at times, I put forth my best effort all the time. Apologize when you do fail. Let them see humility in you, and the willingness to ask for their forgiveness. I promise, this will go MILES.
Jon with our teenage boys at an Alabama football game (Fall 2013)

As I approached the topic of parenting and cultivating a healthy home environment, I decided to gather some data from our kids about their perspectives on our home. As Jon and I are raising our four children, we're in a constant state of "tweeking"... how can we improve, are we as attentive as we should be, did we respond in the best way to that situation, etc. Keep in mind that Jared and Karleigh answered the questions together, but the older boys were asked individually and didn't know how their siblings had answered. The questions I presented were as follows...

I) What do we do well as parents and as a family?
Karleigh (9): We have devotions every night and serve the Lord. Our family goes to church and prays together 4 times a day.
Jared (13): As a family, we always take time out of our week to spend time together. We always eat supper together. We make it a point to go to everyone's activities.
Jordan (16): We are really good at acknowledging when we've done something wrong, and we're quick to apologize.
Jon Thomas (17): Our whole family is welcoming. The neighborhood kids and friends from school always feel comfortable at our home.

II) What makes our home an enjoyable place?
Karleigh: We have fun doing things together--mini golfing, getting Sonic shakes, laughing together. We are welcoming of others.
Jared:  We do a variety of things for fun...we don't do the same thing over and over. We make each other laugh.
Jordan: We understand each other. We all have a similar sense of humor, so it's easy to make each other laugh.
Jon Thomas: Each member can take a joke. We know each other's humor and what makes each person laugh. Nobody takes our lighthearted humor personally.

III) What makes our home a safe haven?
Karleigh: You are all nice to me and comfort me when I'm scared.
Jared: We're respectful of each other. We never scream at one another.
Jordan: Most of the time you seem to understand where we're coming from.
Jon Thomas: You accept me.

One of the first things I noticed was how important laughter is to each of our kids. We do laugh ALOT! Every evening at dinner, there are a multitude of topics that emerge...many of which bring laughter. I've prayed that each person in our family would have positive, uplifting memories of their time in our home.  I also noted that two of the four expressed that our home is "welcoming". When Jon and I married, I remember specifically praying that our home would be a place of peace...a place where people felt comfortable and at ease. As we had children, I asked God to help us provide a home where our kids would want to bring their friends. During the boys' younger years, Jon built a cool fort (twice, because we moved), and we invested in a trampoline because we wanted our home to be FUN! As I'm taking inventory of our kids' thoughts, God helped me see direct answers to my current prayers, as well as answers to prayers that were prayed years ago.
Karleigh and me after participating in the mud games at church camp :)
IV) How could we improve our home/family environment?
Karleigh: We could be less irritating to one another.
Jared: Sometimes I feel like I spend too much time playing video games.
Jordan: I feel like at times you don't acknowledge that you are wrong when we present our case.
Jon Thomas: As parents, I think you should look more at the "dos" instead of saying, "We need to maintain boundaries." We need to focus more on the "dos", less on the "don'ts."

It's important to provide a safe environment where your kids can respectfully present their thoughts, even when they're not positive. Children are insightful and very perceptive.  Honestly, Jon and I have learned much from our kids through the years.  Does this mean we immediately make changes or agree with every argument they have? Ummm, no!! BUT, we listen carefully and thank them for their honesty. How can we tell our kids that they can come to us with anything if we're not willing to listen when they disagree with us?

Here are two great passages of scripture to pray for your children:

"I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, asking God, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called--his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance," Ephesians 1:16-18.

"We have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better. We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy," (Colossians 1:9-11 NLT).

Jon and I are so far from perfect, but our prayer is that Jon Thomas, Jordan, Jared and Karleigh will be world changers for God's glory.  In all our imperfections, our desire is that God's grace and perfection shines through!!

"Praying the Scriptures For Your Children" and "The Power of a Praying Parent" give specific scriptures to pray when confronted with various challenges that your children face. (They address challenges that effect children of all ages.) 

* is an incredible website with great ideas and guidance for parenting kids of all ages. You can also follow her on Pinterest.  Here are a few of her recent posts that you might find helpful:

**Focus on the Family has been a wonderful resource for parents for since the late 1970s:

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Fitness 101

My earliest memories of exercise are when I was about 12 years old.  I remember "running" with my dad...ok, HE would run, I would would jog v-e-r-y slowly.  When I was 17 years old, my mom and I joined a local fitness center.  I had my first encounter with aerobics classes and treadmills at Ozark Fitness Center.  It was truly the beginning of a life long habit that I thoroughly enjoy!!  Last summer, I started talking with a friend of mine about the fitness industry, and her heart for mentoring women in this area was obvious.  I began attending Linda Denton's group exercise classes and with her help, I became licensed to teach.  I'm so excited to have her as a "guest blogger," sharing her passion and knowledge for health and wellness.  Enjoy her fitness and nutrition tips, awesome recipes and encouragement to live your life to the fullest.

 My name is Linda Denton, 37, wife of a wonderful husband Andy, and mother of three great kids~ Lexie (9), Ashlyn (8) and Drew (6). I am a sister to four siblings, a lover of God, fitness fanatic and crazy baker. 
I have always been an active person, playing basketball since junior high, and participating in anything else my brothers or sisters wanted to play.  After getting married, I started a desk job, turned 25, and realized I needed more physical activity.  We bought a treadmill, which was effective until I became bored with the same work out every day.  Six months later, Andy and I joined a local YMCA.  They had everything from treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes and group exercise classes.  This was the perfect fit for me – it added variety to my work outs, and gave Andy and me the ability to work out together before heading to work!
Then came my first pregnancy....the doctor said I could do any workout I had done before pregnancy, with the exception of crunches after six months.  I believe my labor and quick deliveries (less than 2 hours long) went so well because I was able to exercise during all three pregnancies.  After giving birth to my third child, I struggled to lose those final fifteen pounds.  Determined to return to my pre-pregnancy weight, I decided to embark on a new adventure.  I had been attending group exercise classes for three years and loved my instructors.  I completed my group exercise certification and started teaching.  It has been a great adventure!  I have met so many people and thoroughly enjoy what I do.  I love to encourage and strengthen other moms and women just like me. 

Through the years I have gathered a few helpful fitness tips.  I believe if you integrate the following suggestions into your schedule, you will see a huge difference in your overall health and energy level. 

  My everyday life looks very typical.  I get up, make breakfast, pack lunches, work on homework, help the kids get dressed, and drive them to school.  After dropping my kids off,  I head directly to the gym.  When Lexie, Ashlyn and Drew were younger, they knew this was the routine.  Make your work out an appointment every day--don’t schedule other appointments during your gym time. If finances are tight, there is a variety of ways to "cut corners".  
1) Many local YMCA’s offer sponsorships. Check with the Member Services to see if you qualify for assistance.
2)  Frequently, health insurance plans provide reimbursements if you work out twelve or more times in a given month.  If you are eligible for Silversneakers (55+ seniors), many health insurance companies will pay for your health club membership.  You need to sign up through the "Silver and Fit" (formerly Silversneakers) program.
3) If you want to get really creative, work in the childcare area a few times a week and get a free membership.  Your kids can go to work with you!  
4) Get certified to teach a fitness class, and you'll receive a free membership.   

Most women who work out with a buddy will be more inclined to keep their fitness routine.  The hardest part of working out is showing up!

  I love my group exercise classes!  I teach everything from cycling, boot camp, hi/low aerobics, step aerobics, water aerobics to seniors.  When you work out as a group, you become friends with people in the class. There's a sense of community and accountability within each class...women look forward to the social aspect of the class.  Before my kids were in school, I connected with moms and scheduled play dates after we worked out.  Going to a group exercise class also gives you variety and allows an expert to create your workout.  Try several group exercise classes to see what you enjoy most. Make sure you mix in strength training, as well as cardio classes. 

 Spend a little money and get some new outfits, or use it as a reward when you reach your goal.  Shoes breakdown anywhere from six months to a year if you use them 3 or more times a week.  Protect your feet and invest in good shoes.  If you don’t know what shoes to buy, there are places that will observe your stride and show you what shoes are best for you.  Try on different several styles and then order your favorite online at a discount. (Amazon, etc.)  Don’t forget to bring lots of water to class to stay hydrated.  Purchase a sturdy, refillable water bottle so you don’t have to spend money on bottled water.  I like the Camelback brand (no leaks)!

  This is a big one.  Frequently, there are people in my classes that get frustrated because they're not reaching their goals.  After some investigation, I discover they have changed their fitness routine, but not their nutrition routine.  I believe it has to be a lifestyle change!!   I am not a big supporter of diet plans. When you are told not to do something or not eat something, that can become all you think about.  Then you feel guilty when you mess up.  Some practical tips for your lifestyle: 
1.       Only drink water, no sodas, juices etc.  I've known people who only stopped drinking soda and lost 20 pounds!
2.       Make your own lunches at home and reduce the amount of times you eat out.  Serve meals buffet style... it is harder to get a second helping if you have to get up to get more.
3.       Eat things with real color. I go to a lot of business dinners with my husband, and I have learned to be selective.  Stay away from the huge rolls, butter and starchy potatoes. Load up on veggies, salad, and portion your meat. (A serving size should equal the size of your fist.) 
4.       Share desserts.  I am a baker and enjoy making treats.  The key to baking is not keeping the sweets in the house.  I save a small amount of goodies for the family, and give the rest to the bus driver, school teachers and neighbors! They will love it, and you will love not having the extra calories around. 
5.       Don’t buy it.  The key to nutrition starts at the grocery store.  Buy things with real color – fresh vegetables and fresh fruit (buy what is in season).  I like to price match items from other stores to save money.  Say "no" to processed foods. Anything that comes in a box and can be heated in 5 minutes is probably not good for you.  Read the labels.  Also, use spices...they add flavor, not calories. 
6.       Personal Favorite Recipes.
a.       Breakfast:  Energy Balls, Pumpkin muffins, Bananas, Smoothies (strawberry/ banana)
                                                               i.   Energy Balls: Mix 1 cup oats, ½ cup ground flaxseed, ½ peanut butter, 1/3 cup honey, ½ cup chocolate chips or raisins, 1 tsp. vanilla.  Chill for 30 minutes roll into balls.

                                                             ii.     Pumpkin Muffins:  Mix well small can of pumpkin with one spice cake mix.  Spray muffin pan.  Makes 12 large muffins
                                                            iii.      Oatmeal Peanut Butter Oatmeal Smoothies:  Mix well in blender 1 frozen banana, ¼ cup oats, 1 tbsp peanut butter, ½ cup yogurt or milk.
                                                           iv.      Strawberry/Banana Smoothie:  Fill blender with frozen strawberries ¾ full, then add one banana, 1 cup vanilla yogurt and add orange juice to your favorite consistency.
b.      Lunch:  Ham and Cheese Wraps with lettuce & tomato, hard boiled eggs, or avocado with lettuce and tomato wraps.  For variety, warm it up on a Panini grill or George Foreman Grill.   
c.       Dinners:  Chicken fajitas on the grill, homemade vegetable stew or baked sweet potato fries. Lots of fresh veggies and fruit –fresh steamed green beans with squeeze of lemon and salt, steamed carrots with little drizzle of honey, or roasted broccoli with sprinkle of olive oil.

  Start at home! If you are new to the world of fitness, begin walking ten minutes a day. You can put young children in a stroller and GO!  They will love being outside. Increase your walking time by five minutes every week.  Once you feel like you’re ready to add more, jog for a minute, then walk a minute and continue.  Set a goal by registering for a 5K with a friend.  Add variety like climbing stairs, or walking up a steep hill at the park while the kids are playing. As the weather gets warmer, get creative at the park. There aren't many people there at 9 o’clock in the morning.   Do planks with your feet up on swings, pushups on the park bench, tricep dips off the side of bench, pull ups on the monkey bars, reverse crunches hanging from the monkey bars,  chest pulls using the chains of the swings, walking lunges and traveling squats in the grass. 

A lifestyle of fitness should be enjoyable!  As you set goals, experiment with different activities and find a workout that's fun! The benefits you will experience, an elevated energy level, increased strength, and improved overall wellness, are well worth the time and effort you expend. Ultimately, the time spent exercising and preparing healthy meals is an investment. We are called to live a FULL life!  It may take time from your daily schedule, but it will increase the quality and length of your life.   You can do it!!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Full Steam Ahead!!

Beginning a new school year, the anticipation of an exciting adventure, looking forward to the freedom of summer~we all can relate to the great expectations we have as we begin new seasons of life. At the beginning of a new calendar year, our family gathers in the living room and sets personal goals for the year ahead. This year, as we were sharing our goals for 2014, I was drawn to Isaiah 43:16-21.  In this passage, God spoke through the prophet Isaiah encouraging the Israelites to set their focus towards the future.  He emphasized that all the great miracles that God had done for them in the past were "nothing compared to what I am going to do" in their future.  Isaiah declared, "Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new!" The Spence family set this passage as our mission statement for 2014.

What are your goals for 2014? Do you believe God has great plans for your future, more than you can possibly imagine? This journey called life is filled with joy and grief, success and failure, hope and disappointment.  How do you discover all God has for this life and approach your future accordingly?  I looked up the definition of a few words we hear often in Christian circles to see if I could find some answers...

I.)  FAITH is a noun defined as "complete trust or confidence in something or someone."  Hope is a synonym for faith. Hope is defined as "a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen."I love this!! God has designed our human nature with the need for hope...the expectation and desire for great things to happen!  Where do you place your faith/hope?  Is your hope found in success at work, or raising perfect children, or buying beautiful things for your home and trendy clothes?
Colossians 3:1-2 states, "Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights (hope) on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand.  Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth."
It's easy to trust God and in his plans for our future when things are going well, isn't it? The challenge comes when our circumstances are topsy-turvy, and we don't understand why things aren't happening the way we think they should.  I have found that during my times of deepest struggle (grief, failure, uncertainty and disappointment), I lean into the hope I have in heaven.  In these moments, there is a comfort in the fact that this world is not my home.
Isaiah 43:1-3 promises this, "Don't be afraid, I've redeemed you. I've called your name. You're mine. When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you. When you're in rough waters, you will not go down. When you're between a rock and a hard place, it won't be a dead end--Because I am God, your personal God, the Holy of Israel, your Savior."
 Another of God's promises is written in Jeremiah 29:11, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.'"
God has the same power and the same love for us no matter what our circumstances may be. Do you believe God's promises are true? Do you have an excitement and anticipation for the amazing things God has planned for your future? As I spend time alone with God, reading the Bible and talking to him, my relationship with him is strengthened. The more time you spend with someone, the more you know them and trust them...right? If you're faith in God is weak, spend more time with him.  He wants to show you his faithfulness.

II.) FOCUS is the state of having or producing clear visual definition.  Focus is also a verb defined "to become able to see clearly." When I'm driving my car, I need all obstacles and distractions out of my way in order to see the path ahead clearly. The same is true spiritually.  If we want to receive the vision and focus needed to see our future clearly and hear God's direction, we have to weed out the things that distract us.  What are your distractions? Are you worried about what others are thinking about you? Do you find yourself anxious about details in your life that you can't control? Are you putting things in your mind that are not God honoring?
Proverbs 4:23-27 instructs us to, "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Avoid all perverse talk; stay away from corrupt speech. Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don't get distracted; keep your feet from following evil."
We all have distractions in our lives; even good things can be distractions! Ask God to show you the things in your life that are taking your focus away from his BEST for you. Once he's shown you the distractions, ask him for the strength to weed them out. He will help you!  God doesn't stop at showing us where we need to improve, he provides a path and clear direction as we obey him wholeheartedly!

III.) FOLLOW THROUGH is an action verb that means "to press on in an activity or process especially to a conclusion." WOW!  This one was especially powerful to me because this is the step that actually makes a "world changer"! Many people have various levels of faith; and several even have a clear focus and direction for their lives, but it takes a warrior to follow through with the vision that God places on your heart.  There will be trials as you follow through with the vision God places on your heart, but that is when you will see God's power and your faith will multiply!  Do you see how it comes full circle?  1 Peter 1:6-7 tells us to "be truly glad. There is WONDERFUL JOY ahead (hope!), even though you have to endure many trials for a little while.  These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold...So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world." A primary benefit of persevering through difficult times is strength.  Your faith will gain strength, which results is greater joy and ultimately, will draw others to the Lord and to this everlasting joy!

God knows your past, present and your future!  Our job is to walk through doors that he opens for us (follow through)...He truly has incredible opportunities in store for you.  As we walk in obedience (focus), and trust that he will provide all that we need (faith), we will see AMAZING things happen.   Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to, "Trust God from the bottom of your heart;  don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track."  Have an awesome week, one step at a time!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

STRETCHING Our Dollars...

When Jon and I realized that our romance was blossoming into "till death do us part", we began discussing our dreams, goals and hopes for the future. One of the many topics of conversation included making responsible decisions regarding our finances.  As a couple, we knew it was important to agree on how we would manage our money, and aspired to work as a team to accomplish our goals. To be honest, money, bills, budgets and the weight of it all stressed me out!! To alleviate this tension, Jon and I decided that it was best for me to manage the checkbook so that I had knowledge of how much money was being spent. I had learned the discipline of frugal spending from my parents. My mom and dad viewed money as a blessing, and took great effort to be responsible with this gift God had given them.  Because of this perspective, my parents were always able to help people in need and pay their bills in full, including their mortgage and our college tuition.

Through the years, Jon and I have learned to integrate a few practical habits into our lives that have made a HUGE difference in our monthly spending...

1) Our family rarely eats meals out.  I've made it a priority to prepare dinner every evening, with a few rare exceptions. Challenging? Yes, at times, but the key is planning ahead.
   a)Map out the meals you'd like to serve during the week, and make your grocery list accordingly.  Go to the grocery store with a specific list and your price matches (which I will discuss next).
   b)Use a crock pot to prepare meals in the morning on those days when you know you'll be running around until dinnertime. It's great to arrive home to the yummy aroma of a meal that's ready to eat!
   c)Double or triple your favorite recipes and freeze the leftovers. This provides you with a healthy, inexpensive meal that is ready to cook and serve on those crazy, busy days :).
   d)If you're one who loves the experience of eating out, treat your family to ice cream or your spouse to a coffee date a couple times a month. It's fun to splurge once in a while.
   e)Take the time to calculate the savings gained from eating meals at home.  I guarantee the amount saved will give you motivation to continue.
*Two great resources that provide tips on meal planning, great recipes and even printable grocery lists are: and (under menu planning resources).

Chicken Taco Salad--one of our family's favorites!!

2) When shopping for groceries, I always try to use price matches at our local Walmart.  The grocery store ads come out on Wednesdays, so I set aside time at the end of each week to make my grocery list using these ads.  Many times I add or subtract from my list based on the good deals in the paper.  For example, I decided to make spaghetti this week because the pasta sauce in the Price Cutter ad was $.88 for a 24 ounce can. (I bought three...I used a couple cans for spaghetti and the remainder for manicotti.)  I also added strawberries because Aldi's had them on sale for $1.79 per pound.  As I approached the register on Tuesday, I looked at my cart thinking it could be close to a $200 shopping trip.  I cannot tell you how excited I was when the cashier said, "That will be $142.82."  I floated to my car and called Jon as soon as the food was out of the cart!! is a website for shoppers in our area.  All the local grocery store ads are compiled and listed for easy and quick access. It's been very helpful for me when I've forgotten my price comparisons at home.

3) Jon and I go through our budget at least once a year.  Last summer we reduced our expenses $50.92 a month by researching and switching our internet and home phone carrier, and cable provider. We are currently shopping around for a different home/car insurance company because our home premium will be increasing by over $600 a year. No, thank you!

4) I love clothes, accessories and shopping for good deals. In recent years, I've been selling our clothes to a local consignment store. It takes some time to go through everyone's clothes, but it has definitely payed off. At the end of last summer I gathered all of our outgrown, unused fall/winter clothing and took it to "Just For You" in Nixa. In December, Karleigh and I went shopping and discovered I had $93.00 in credit due to the sale of our used clothing! In addition, they give an extra 10% off if you use it to purchase clothing in the store rather than taking the cash. Here are a few items I purchased last week, without spending any money...

This blue "Forever 21" shirt was $8.00 at "Just For You" (which is already a great deal).  It only cost me $7.30, which was taken from my store credit.

This gray "Forever 21" dress was $9.00 at our local consignment store.  It cost $8.10 in store credit...I didn't spend a dime :).
This cute dress was $14.95 before my discount.  The final cost was $13.50, deducted from my store credit.  AMAZING!!

There are many ways to stretch your dollars~ it just takes a little time and organization. Several scriptures encourage being good stewards of your time and money.  Proverbs 21:5 states, "Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty."  Proverbs 24:3 also reinforces this thought, "A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong through good sense." I want to build the home God has given me with His wisdom and direction. My prayer for you this week is that God will show you creative ways to build your home, which in turn will bless the people around you.  Please post some of your personal experiences finding money saving deals, helpful websites, and/or frugal DIY ideas.  We can learn so much from each other!!  Much love to you all...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

How to Have a Frugal AND Fun Valentine's Day

Another Valentine's Day is behind us, and many people I know are breathing a huge sigh of relief!  This year I began to view Valentine's Day through a different lens.  Here's the way I see it~it's a special day set aside to celebrate our love and gratitude for the AMAZING people who have been placed in our lives.  I've been considering that we shouldn't have to be in a romantic relationship to celebrate Valentine's Day; and to take it one step further...should our love and affection only be communicated one day out of the year?

Our family always celebrates Valentine's Day together, usually in the evening.  We make a nice meal and give cards, candy and/ or small gift cards.  When Jon purchases the cards, the kids know to expect humor :).   Inside each card, Jon and I always take the opportunity to tell each child specifically what we love about him/her.  I love being able to shower them with affirmation and encouragement every chance I get!!

Thursday night Jon and I had the privilege of sharing with a group of college girls during a dorm chapel.  It was a great opportunity to talk to them about healthy friendship and dating relationships.  After it concluded, a few girls came up to ask more personal questions about friends who weren't making good decisions, their career choices, and specific relationship questions regarding the men in their lives.  It was a precious time of investing in students, which is a passion of ours.  (My husband has been teaching for 25 years; 15 of those have been on the college level.)

Here are two sweet seniors that we met in 2010 when they started attending James River Leadership Campus.
Jon and I answering questions after sharing with the girls.
I loved the chapel worship time...

I want to share some of the things Jon and I did for each other yesterday... not because you need to know about all the details of our day, but because I want you to see how easy and inexpensive it can be  to make someone feel special.  First, I purchased a $5.00 Starbucks gift card and taped it onto our coffee maker.  I know Jon LOVES coffee, and for us $5.00 specialty coffee is definitely a splurge.

Next, I placed a tube of Carmex ($1.59) with a note on the driver's seat of his car.  Strange...?  Maybe for some, but he asks to borrow my Carmex frequently when we're out running errands, so I knew this would be something he would use.  When Jon arrived at work, I had placed a Vitamin Water ($1.69) and protein bar ($1.29 on sale) in his computer bag with another note.  He's been striving to be more disciplined in what he eats, so he knew I was trying to treat him without derailing his nutritional goals.  BUT, at dinner I did have a small goody bag with a chocolate bar for him ($.99), as well as treats for the kids.  For a grand total of $10.56, I was able to show him how special he is and how grateful I am for him through little gifts (one of his love languages).

Jon is always very thoughtful and generous in his expressions of love for me.  On Thursday night before our time with the students, he gave me a bouquet of roses (one of my favorite flowers).  The expression that was most meaningful to me, though, was a sweet compilation of notes that he left on our bathroom mirror. On each individual note he named something specific that he loved about me!  My heart melted!!

With a little extra time and intentional thought, it's very easy to encourage the people around us. It's a choice, and certainly doesn't have to be romantically motivated!  Plan ahead. What do the special people in your life enjoy?  Think through what you need and be ready to follow through.

Philippians 2:1-2,4 asks, "Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another...Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too." 

We are to be Christ's hand extended...that's why we are here!! Be intentional about blessing others.  When you have an "outward" focus, life is much more fun and fulfilling!  Share some things you've done to encourage the special people in your life.  We all can use some extra help thinking of creative ways to build others up.  Have an AWESOME week!

Jared and his award winning Valentine's box. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

All That Sparkles...

My daughter, Karleigh, LOVES anything that sparkles...clothes, shoes, jewelry, accessories...can you relate?
These glasses are one of her FAVORITE 2013 Christmas gifts.
 Why are girls so drawn to sparkle?  Here are a few thoughts...

1) FUN~Sparkles are fun!  When I see a shiny, glittery item, it grabs my attention.  Some of us purposefully don't wear sparkles because we want to avoid the attention they draw.  But on a good day, I think we all like a little attention ;).

2) FABULOUS~Sparkly items are fancy and fabulous!  Girls like to dress makes us feel special and pretty.  Doesn't every girl want to feel special?!

3) FASCINATING~Diamonds are loaded with sparkle!! There are no two diamonds that are alike, and each one is extremely valuable and fascinating!

Jordan, our 16 year old son, gets so frusterated when I buy glittery cards or gift bags because the glitter gets everywhere!  He is NOT a fan of sparkles on his sweatshirt and jeans...I guess it's not very "masculine."  Ha!
Jordan during a 2013 Nixa High School football game.
Photo credit: Jon Thomas Spence
 Like these cards and gift bags, we leave a trail wherever we go.  We leave a trail in our homes, in our workplaces, and in our neighborhoods (schools, grocery stores, gyms, etc.).  What are you leaving behind?  Are you leaving sparkles of appreciation, encouragement and laughter; or are you leaving a negative trail of anxiety, complaints and insecurity? 

Karleigh not only likes sparkle, she has sparkle...her daddy always says she brings sparkle wherever she goes.
Jon and Karleigh before the Father/Daughter Dance (February 7, 2014)
It doesn't take long to notice her laughter and ability to have fun no matter the circumstance.  Yes, she enjoys dressing up and takes special care in choosing her outfits, nail polish and hairdos, but her sparkle comes from the inside.  She has a joy and excitement about life that radiates from her heart, even first thing in the morning!

Zechariah 9:16 states, "The Lord their God will save them...they will jewels in a crown." As a child and young adult, I just wanted to blend in.  I didn't want to be seen for fear of people noticing a flaw or weakness--can you relate? But as I grow and mature, God's showing me that He's given me gifts, abilities and strengths so I can shine!!  When I become secure and confident in who God created me to be, I can more effectively help others see their sparkle.  Each of us is designed uniquely and beautifully for a specific purpose.  God wants us to live FUN, FABULOUS, FASCINATING lives and encourage others to do the same.  Don't be afraid to "sparkle" wherever you go...this is how people will see Jesus in you and want to experience the same joy they observe in your life.

"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world.  God is not a secret to be kept.  We're going public with this...If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand--shine!  Be generous with your lives.  By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God." (Matthew 5:14-16 MSG)

I'll be introducing you to the men in my life in future posts. (Jon Thomas, Jordan, Jared and Jon)
A couple of them may even be guests bloggers!